08 9752 1699
18 Adelaide St, Busselton. WA

Legal Aid

Legal Aid Western Australia is an independent statutory body set up by the Legal Aid Commission.
Shaddicks assist supporting some Legal Aid matters through their Busselton office.

In certain cases people facing criminal or family court proceedings may be able to obtain assistance from Legal Aid by completing an application. Legal Aid can be contacted by phone fax or email. Once an application is completed and submitted the Legal Aid Commission will consider it and in certain circumstances will issue a grant of aid.
In most cases, if successful in their application, an individual’s request that a Grant of Legal Aid issue to a solicitor/lawyer of that person’s choosing is met.
As a leading Firm centrally situated in Busselton in the South West, Shaddicks Lawyers have been helping generations for more than 60 years. Shaddicks Lawyers are a trusted household name in the South West.
If you consult Shaddicks Lawyers before obtaining  a Grant of Legal Aid then you will be responsible for the costs up to the issue of a Grant of Legal Aid. Shaddicks Lawyers can give legal advice to you prior to the Grant of Legal Aid but the costs for that advice will be for your own account and not chargeable to the Legal Aid Commission
Contact Shaddicks Lawyers today on 08 9752 1699

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