08 9752 1699
18 Adelaide St, Busselton. WA

Magistrates Court (civil)


Being sued by somebody and don’t know how to defend yourself or where to turn?
Need advice on a restraining order, dividing fence or extraordinary drivers licence application?
Shaddicks Lawyers can help you.
As a leading law Firm  in the South West Shaddicks Lawyers can help with any Magistrates Court matter in either Busselton, Bunbury or other surrounding South West.
When you simply can’t reach agreement or need advice on how to deal with a law suit or make an application in the Magistrates Court the team at Shaddicks Lawyers will listen to you and help you through the confusing process giving you sound practical down to earth advice to ensure the best possible outcomes.
The Magistrates Court can now deal with civil matters that involve claims for debtor damages of up to $75,000.00, consumer trader claims for the sale and hire of goods and claims for the recovery of real property up to a gross rental value of $75,000.00. Most similar civil cases now involve the Magistrates Court. Shaddicks Lawyers can give you advice on how to ensure the best possible outcome is achieved if you wish to commence proceedings or if you have been sued.
If the claim against you is far less than $10,000.00 or is a minor claims jurisdiction matter, Shaddicks Lawyers can still give you advice and help guide you through the process ensuring your rights are protected.  Shaddicks Lawyers can not represent you in a Minor Case Claim.
If you need representation  in the Magistrates Court or just advice and guidance, then the team at Shaddicks Lawyers will listen and help you. 
Call Shaddicks today on 08 9752 1699

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